CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are basically CSS rules that selects the HTML elements you want to style. After selecting you can apply any type of styles like text-color and background on those HTML elements. Let us look at different CSS selectors available. To apply CSS style on all HTML elements you need to write

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Adding Bootstrap to Laravel

Laravel is a free, open source PHP framework. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell. It is intended for web application which are following the MVC architectural pattern. As of March 2015 Laravel is regarded as one of the most popular PHP framework.

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Twilio - Client Base and Growth Prospects

Twilio is a developer-centric communication. We’ve already briefed you about twilio and how it’s changing the world around us. See the link below: http://creanyx.github.io/twilio/and/use/of/technology/2015/08/12/How-Twilio-is-changing-the-world.html/

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Playing Recorded Videos on Licode by Using HTML5 Video Tag

Licode is an Open Source WebRTC platform which can be used to create applications which includes video/audio communication. Let’s say you want to have your own secure server deployed which can work as a video conferencing platform, licode can handle such requirements. Using Licode client side and server side API, one can record all connected participant video or audio. To do that on client side you need to execute that line in javascript

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Grab It

We were having our weekly meetings at Creanyx, the usual tasks being discussed and then comes the brainstorming session for our hack day - we agreed that there were no magazines or websites pertaining to the capital of Pakistan specifically for special offers of major brands, and the team was off to work, we were given 3 hours to come up with the first draft. So basically, what the site contains is a list of special offers all under one roof. Who are we targeting? All you shopaholics!! Grab your wallet and hit all the latest offers in town, You’re welcome :)

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Giving Back to Our Society

Picture this: Your child fell, he’s bleeding profusely, you’re caught unaware. What do you do? Or you went out for shopping and reach down to your pocket only to find out you’re out of cash. Oops! There have been times when you were on your way to office and forgot to check the fuel gauge in hurry. The fuel finished, your car didn't start and now were getting late for the office and you see no fuel station near by. Or may be you were out of town for a business meeting, you had to offer prayer and you don’t know of any nearby mosque.

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How Twilio is Changing the World

In a world like today, can we even think of sitting in front of a person silently, no words no actions and still assume that he would understand what we want to say? Obviously not! This is the power of communication today. Communication has become as important as a basic need, in fact I would call it a basic need. One cannot survive without communicating with others whether in his personal life or in terms of business and this need has been captured by Twilio.For a business it must have data of facts and statistics about its operations and its potential customers, only then it can serve its purpose of being.

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Experience at Creanyx

I was terrified about how would I adjust in an actual corporate world as internship at CREANYX was my first ever step into the corporate world. I had underestimated myself for years that is why I couldn't muster up courage to step in before. Finally, I did and I was amazed at the warmth that I received at CREANYX and also amazed at my own capabilities. I was an amateur, didn’t even know how to use google drive to prepare documents but I was never snubbed or seen with a look of disgust, in fact I was taught basics of this level so I grasped them quickly. There were many other things throughout my tenure that I did not know but I was rightly guided by sir Shakeel and I was able to complete my tasks then.

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Letting employees work from home results in greater productivity? - CREANYX thinks a bit differently!

Who doesn't want to wake up late in the morning in their own pajamas to a relaxed cosy environment like home and also earn millions of rupees? Of Course everyone! But CREANYX thinks differently about this. We at CREANYX get the same cosy and relaxed home environment right here in the office where we can socialize, relax and enjoy a lot of benefits along with work. Then who would want to take work home if he gets this amazing opportunity to wrap up his work in an office like CREANYX.

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Hack days at Creanyx are Fridays!

At Creanyx we are organizing Hack days on Fridays. We will spend half of the day working on awesome new ideas as well as contributing to open source community.

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Play Lingo in JavaScript

Last friday at creanyx we started our official hackdays and we created a fix for contact sharing Source

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Play Lingo in JavaScript

Last friday at creanyx we started our official hackdays and we created a fix for contact sharing Source

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